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Book cover for "The last days of Kira Mullan".
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"Nancy North is ready to put her life back together. After suffering a psychotic break that ruined friendships, stalled her fledgling restaurant, and forced her to move out of her comfortable flat, she’ll do anything to get back to normal. She and her partner Felix—who has been a saint through her recent troubles—move into a new flat for a fresh start. Nancy is taking her pills, seeing her therapist, and avoiding unnecessary stress. She’s...
Book cover for "The last days of Kira Mullen".
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William Morrow Large Print, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers
Pub. Date:
"Nancy North is ready to put her life back together. After suffering a psychotic break that ruined friendships, stalled her fledglingrestaurant, and forced her to move out of her comfortable flat, she'll do anything to get back to normal. She and her partner Felix--who has been a saint through her recent troubles--move into a new flatfor a fresh start. Nancy is taking her pills, seeing her therapist,and avoiding unnecessary stress. She's doing absolutely...