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Don’t miss the five-part Max docuseries Brené Brown: Atlas of the Heart!
Social scientist Brené Brown has ignited a global conversation on courage, vulnerability, shame, and worthiness. Her pioneering work uncovered a profound truth: Vulnerability—the...
8. Bully
Researcher and thought leader Dr. Brené Brown offers a powerful new vision that encourages us to dare greatly: to embrace vulnerability and imperfection, to live wholeheartedly, and to courageously engage in our lives.
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred
...Do you live your life to the fullest? Or does shame and the need for perfection prevent you from being vulnerable and facing your fears? Are you tired of shying away from challenges, and desire to live courageously?
Daring Greatly 30 Minutes is the essential guide to quickly understanding how to embrace fears and live vulnerably as outlined in Brené Brown's best-selling book, Daring Greatly.
Understand the key ideas behind Daring Greatly