The Scarlet Letter
(OverDrive Listen)
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Level 11.7, 14 Points
Nathaniel Hawthorne. The Scarlet Letter. Unabridged Duke Classics.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation (style guide)Nathaniel Hawthorne. The Scarlet Letter. Duke Classics.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities Citation (style guide)Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter. Duke Classics.
MLA Citation (style guide)Nathaniel Hawthorne. The Scarlet Letter. Unabridged Duke Classics,
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OverDrive Product Record
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- name: Nathaniel Hawthorne
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- The Scarlet Letter
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- 3.3
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- 2021-08-31T00:21:00-04:00
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- duration: 10:07:50
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- fileAs: Hawthorne, Nathaniel
- name: Nathaniel Hawthorne
- role: Narrator
- fileAs: Gilbert, Tavia
- name: Tavia Gilbert
- role: Narrator
- fileAs: Price, Christopher
- name: Christopher Price
- subjects
- value: Classic Literature
- value: Fiction
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- Unabridged
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- Audiobook
- shortDescription
The Scarlet Letter was originally published in 1850 and was a bestseller at the time. This powerful American story of secret love and sin, of spiritual hypocrisy and moral courage, and of female bravery during a time when women were rarely respected, resonated with readers then and continues to do so now.
Set in the staunchly Puritan world of 1600s Boston Hester Prynne has committed adultery and given birth to an illegitimate daughter, Pearl, while her elder husband is away. Refusing to reveal Pearl's father Hester is punished and scorned by the community and forced to wear a red letter "A".
Over seven years Hester, Pearl's father, and Hester's estranged husband Roger Chillingworth, suffer the consequences of betrayal, guilt revenge, and humiliation.
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- title
- The Scarlet Letter
- gradeLevels
- value: Grade 12
- sortTitle
- Scarlet Letter
- lexileScore
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- 12299
- publisher
- Duke Classics
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- code: FIC004000
- description: Fiction / Classics