The Blue Fairy Book
(OverDrive Read)
The Fairy Books, or "Coloured" Fairy Books is a collection of fairy tales divided into twelve books, each associated with a different colour. Collected together by Andrew Land they are sourced from a number of different countries and were translated by Lang's wife and other translators who also retold many of the tales. The collection has been incalculably important and, although he did not source the stories himself direct from the oral tradition he can make claim to the first English translation of many.
First published in 1889, The Blue Fairy Bookis the 1st volume in this series.
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Andrew Lang. The Blue Fairy Book. Duke Classics.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation (style guide)Andrew Lang. The Blue Fairy Book. Duke Classics.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities Citation (style guide)Andrew Lang, The Blue Fairy Book. Duke Classics.
MLA Citation (style guide)Andrew Lang. The Blue Fairy Book. Duke Classics,
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OverDrive Product Record
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- Blue Fairy Book Andrew Langs Fairy Books Series Book 01
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- Rainbow Fairy Books
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- title
- The Blue Fairy Book
- fullDescription
The Fairy Books, or "Coloured" Fairy Books is a collection of fairy tales divided into twelve books, each associated with a different colour. Collected together by Andrew Land they are sourced from a number of different countries and were translated by Lang's wife and other translators who also retold many of the tales. The collection has been incalculably important and, although he did not source the stories himself direct from the oral tradition he can make claim to the first English translation of many.
First published in 1889, The Blue Fairy Bookis the 1st volume in this series.
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- 1415016
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- value: Grade 8
- value: Grade 9
- value: Grade 10
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- value: Juvenile Fiction
- value: Folklore
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- shortDescription
The Fairy Books, or "Coloured" Fairy Books is a collection of fairy tales divided into twelve books, each associated with a different colour. Collected together by Andrew Land they are sourced from a number of different countries and were translated by Lang's wife and other translators who also retold many of the tales. The collection has been incalculably important and, although he did not source the stories himself direct from the oral tradition he can make claim to the first English translation of many.
First published in 1889, The Blue Fairy Bookis the 1st volume in this series.
- sortTitle
- Blue Fairy Book
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- 1180
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- 784896
- classifications
- series
- Rainbow Fairy Books
- publisher
- Duke Classics
- bisacCodes
- code: JUV037000
- description: JUVENILE FICTION / Fantasy / General